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5. Foster College Aspirations

Surround students with adults and peers who support their college-going aspirations.

By ninth grade, many students already express an interest in postsecondary education but are not familiar with the steps to application and entry. Thus, interest may falter by twelfth grade. It is important that high schools encourage students' college aspirations through exposure to peers and mentors in college or postsecondary training programs. In addition, it is essential to build a school culture that fosters postsecondary education goals as early as middle school.

Mentors can play a critical role in assisting students with applications for postsecondary education, monitoring their academic progress, and providing information about college life. Clubs and college access programs bring together students, allowing them to engage with each other at college visits, fairs, and workshops. Connections with the community can help students explore career interests and provide opportunities for visits to career and technical education centers. A school can invite community members to speak about their careers or arrange internships or job-shadowing opportunities for students. By exploring areas of interest, students can better align their postsecondary plans with their career goals.