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Visual Diagram: Data-Driven Decision Making

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  • Topics

    Data for Instruction > Overview & Tools
  • Grade Level

    High School (9-12), Intermediate (4-6), Middle School (6-8), Preschool, Primary (K-3)

  • Author

    Doing What Works

This diagram serves as a visual reminder of the five interrelated practices that are recommended for using student achievement data effectively to support instructional decision making. A districtwide data system forms the "foundation" for the other recommendations. Establishing a clear vision and supports for data use (on the walls around the schools) set the conditions for data use. Within schools and classrooms, teachers can collaboratively engage in data analysis through cycles of instructional improvement and teach students to understand their own data and set learning goals. Together, these practices are part of a comprehensive and cohesive framework for using data to support instructional decision making.