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Evolution of Response to Intervention

  • Topics

    RtI Math > Overview & Tools, RtI Reading > Overview & Tools
  • Grade Level

    Intermediate (4-6), Middle School (6-8), Primary (K-3)

  • Author

    Doing What Works

Dr. Gersten and Dr. Vaughn, who have long worked in research related to Response to Intervention (RtI), share their ideas about why RtI has spread rapidly as a solution to helping struggling students. They also describe some important components of RtI, including conducting universal screening, providing quality core instruction and intensive tiered interventions, and using progress monitoring data for instructional decisionmaking.

Dr. Gersten is Director of the Instructional Research Group. Dr. Vaughn is Executive Director of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk and Regents Professor at the University of Texas at Austin.