English Learners
Explore resources designed to improve English Learner instruction in kindergarten through eighth grade.
To learn more about the research underlying these practices, view the IES Practice Guide Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School.
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Rewriting a Text in 6th Grade Science
English Learners
In this video, students work together to rewrite a scientific text with the support of their teacher.
Resource Type
School Example
Collaborative Summarizing in 7th Grade History
English Learners
Watch how students work in pairs to summarize a grade 7 history text after their teacher models how to locate the best information and combine and condense ideas into summaries.
Resource Type
School Example
A Teaching Routine for Academic Vocabulary in Grades PreK–1
English Learners
This video walks viewers through a 3-step routine for teaching new vocabulary to young children that includes lots of opportunities to practice using the new word in different ways—through...
Resource Type
School Example
Repeated Interactive Read-Aloud in Kindergarten
English Learners
In this video, the teacher engages her kindergarten students in thinking, listening, and speaking during an interactive read-aloud with a rich literary text.
Resource Type
School Example
Academic Vocabulary Instruction in Kindergarten
English Learners
Watch the teacher as she uses a variety of strategies to support her students to learn a new general academic vocabulary word from a rich literary text she has just read aloud.
Resource Type
School Example
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