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Improving K-3 Reading Comprehension

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    Reading Comprehension > Overview & Tools
  • Grade Level

    Primary (K-3)

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    Doing What Works

Research suggests that students who read with understanding at an early age gain broader access to texts, knowledge, and educational opportunities. To help students master the complex array of skills required for reading comprehension, schools need to begin instruction in the early primary grades. Watch this multimedia overview to learn about three research-based, instructional practices for improving primary-grade reading comprehension, which include:

  • Teach students reading comprehension strategies using carefully selected texts. (Comprehension Strategies)
  • Help students to identify and use a text’s organizational structure to support comprehension. (Text Structure)
  • Establish a motivating environment to engage students in reading and text discussion. (Engage Students)

To facilitate the work of state-, district-, and school-level personnel in translating the recommended practices into actions and policy options, please refer to the State, District, School and Common Core planning templates.

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