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Response to Intervention in Primary Grade Reading
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This multimedia overview explains why states and districts are turning to Response to Intervention (RtI) systems described, including the three instructional tiers and components that are common to most systems such as universal screening, progress monitoring, systematic instruction, and differentiation based on data.
This topic includes four recommended practices:
- Screen all students for potential reading problems in the beginning and middle of the year. (Universal Screening)
- Differentiate instruction based on assessed reading skills for all students. (Progress Monitoring and Differentiation)
- Plan intensive instruction on foundational reading skills for students in Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. (Systematic Skill Instruction)
- Establish a systemwide framework for RtI to support the three recommended practices. (RtI Implementation)
Related Files:
- Assisting Students Struggling With Reading: Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tier Intervention in the Primary Grades (Practice Guide)