Dropout Prevention
Explore resources designed to support educators in helping students stay on the path to graduation.
- View a visual diagram of all six practices
- Watch a topic overview and download planning templates
- Listen to an expert
Explore the subtopics below to learn more about the recommended practices:
- Data Systems
- Adult Advocates
- Academic Supports
- Social/Behavior Programs
- Learning Environment
- Rigorous/Relevant Instruction
To learn more about the research underlying these practices, view the IES Practice Guide, Dropout Prevention.
- Items 1 - 12 of 87
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Personalizing the Learning Environment
Dropout Prevention > Learning Environment > Overview & Tools
This overview will demonstrate how personalizing the learning environment can create a sense of belonging and provide academic, social, and behavioral encouragement for students.
Resource Type
Providing Academic Support and Enrichment to Improve Academic Performance
Dropout Prevention > Academic Supports > Overview & Tools
This multimedia overview describes how schools can bolster student performance by offering intensive support programs, tutoring, and credit recovery options to help at-risk students.
Resource Type
Improving Classroom Behavior and Social Skills
Dropout Prevention > Social/Behavior Programs > Overview & Tools
Watch this multimedia overview to learn about the importance of social and emotional skills training for at-risk students and the kinds of interventions that may improve students' behavior and...
Resource Type
Engaging Students and Providing Skills Needed to Graduate Through Rigorous and Relevant Instruction
Dropout Prevention > Rigorous/Relevant Instruction > Overview & Tools
This multimedia overview describes how schools can bolster student engagement by offering rigorous and relevant instruction and multiple pathways to career and postsecondary options.
Resource Type
Assigning Adult Advocates to Promote Academic and Social Success
Dropout Prevention > Adult Advocates > Overview & Tools
Watch this multimedia overview to learn about the benefits of assigning adult advocates to students. This overview outlines some conditions for the successful implementation of this practice.
Resource Type
Utilizing Data Systems for Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention > Data Systems > Overview & Tools
This multimedia overview illustrates the value of collecting and analyzing student-level data. Learn how data can be effectively used to prevent dropouts.
Resource Type
Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention > Overview & Tools
Use this multimedia overview to learn about practices for dropout prevention. Through diagnosis of the problem, providing targeted interventions, and establishing schoolwide programs, schools can...
Resource Type
Academic Interventions to Increase Student Success
Dropout Prevention > Academic Supports > Learn What Works
Watch this expert interview with Dr. Monica Martinez to learn about the elements of academic support to struggling students, including extra time, extra support, and individualized attention.
Resource Type
Expert Interview
Providing Rigorous and Relevant Instruction to All Students
Dropout Prevention > Rigorous/Relevant Instruction > Learn What Works
Dr. Monica Martinez of the KnowledgeWorks Foundation shares strategies that schools can implement to provide rigorous and relevant instruction. These strategies include a common core curriculum for...
Resource Type
Expert Interview
Connecting to Kids With Small Learning Environments
Dropout Prevention > Learning Environment > Learn What Works
Dr. Nettie Legters discusses the different ways of personalizing the learning environments for secondary school students.
Resource Type
Expert Interview
Social and Emotional Training as Part of Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention > Social/Behavior Programs > Learn What Works
Watch this expert interview with Dr. Russell W. Rumberger to learn about the importance of supporting students’ social-emotional development. Dr. Rumberger provides an overview of the different...
Resource Type
Expert Interview
The Role of Adult Advocates in Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention > Adult Advocates > Learn What Works
Dr. Russell Rumberger describes how adult advocates work with students, parents, and teachers to provide academic and emotional support to students at risk of dropping out of school.
Resource Type
Expert Interview