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Professional Development for Data Utilization
RtI Math > Screening & Monitoring > Overview & Tools
Download this tool to conduct an assessment of the professional development needs of staff related to implementation of assessments and use of data from assessments.
Resource Type
Learning Together About Universal Screening in Math
RtI Math > Screening & Monitoring > Overview & Tools
Use the steps and worksheet in this tool to guide district and school Response to Intervention team members to learn about the principles of universal screening in mathematics to either plan or...
Resource Type
District Planning for Universal Screening in Mathematics
RtI Math > Screening & Monitoring > Overview & Tools
District RtI leadership teams can use this tool to plan a districtwide universal screening program in mathematics, including selecting common screening assessments. Related Media and...
Resource Type
Learning Together: Organizing Instruction in Expanded Learning Time Schools
Increased Learning Time > Structure Time > Overview & Tools
Use this tool to provide a two-session workshop on instructional strategies to individualize instruction and engage students. Related Media and Files: Providing Innovative Learning...
Resource Type
Resources for Improving Instructional Quality
Increased Learning Time > Structure Time > Overview & Tools
This tool introduces resources from across the Doing What Works website that align to key concepts of delivering engaging instruction tailored to students' needs.
Resource Type
Planner: Collaborating With Community-Based Organizations
Increased Learning Time > Structure Time > Overview & Tools
Schools are encouraged to use these worksheets to identify possible community-based partners for expanded learning time initiatives and setting goals and expectations.
Resource Type
Providing Innovative Learning Opportunities in Expanded Learning Time Schools
Increased Learning Time > Structure Time > Overview & Tools
This tool can help school and district administrators plan three levels of support for learning opportunities in expanded learning time schools.
Resource Type
Self-Evaluation Tool: Providing Individualized and Engaging Instruction in Expanded Learning Time Schools
Increased Learning Time > Structure Time > Overview & Tools
Use this tool to self-reflect on instructional practices and identify opportunities for improvement.
Resource Type
Planner: Instructional Innovation During the Longer School Day
Increased Learning Time > Structure Time > Overview & Tools
This tool shows a model of a cycle of instructional improvement that can be used to inform processes of instructional planning in expanded learning time schools.
Resource Type
Logic Model Planning Worksheet
Increased Learning Time > Evaluate Program > Overview & Tools
Use these templates to guide you in the step-by-step creation of a logic model for your program or school to plan for professional development, communication, and evaluation. Related Media: Key...
Resource Type
Utilizing Evaluation Findings: A Planner
Increased Learning Time > Evaluate Program > Overview & Tools
Use this action planning worksheet for acting upon evaluation findings to improve program quality.
Resource Type
An Organizer for Conducting a Meeting to Share Evaluation Findings
Increased Learning Time > Evaluate Program > Overview & Tools
School principals and district administrators can use this tool to plan a meeting with stakeholders to share evaluation findings and develop recommendations based on findings.
Resource Type